A Letter to My Daughter Lexi: Finding Strength in Our Grief

Dear Lexi,

I want to take a moment to tell you just how incredibly proud I am of you. Over the past year, we’ve faced the unimaginable, losing Cole so suddenly and unexpectedly. Your brother was such a bright light in our lives, and I know how special your bond was. Every day you played with him, taught him new things, protected him, and he always wanted to be just like you. The way you two were together was something truly beautiful, a bond like no other.

I see how you cope with your grief, pretending like it never happened, and I understand that this helps you manage the pain. Everyone grieves differently, and it’s important to find what works for you. It doesn’t make you any less strong or less caring. In fact, I believe it shows just how resilient you are, navigating such a difficult loss in your own way.

I talk about Cole, write to him every morning, and tell stories to keep his memory alive because it helps me feel close to him. But I want you to know that however you choose to remember him or cope with his loss is completely okay. Your way of dealing with this is just as valid as mine.

Starting The Cole Kubista Foundation has been a way for us to turn our grief into something positive, to help other families with medically complex children create memories that can never be taken away. It’s a way to honor Cole and ensure his legacy lives on through the joy we bring to others. And you, Lexi, have been such a huge part of this. Your strength and resilience have not only helped you but have also been an inspiration to others.

I know your heart is shattered by Cole’s passing. Losing a sibling, especially one with whom you shared such a close bond, is a pain no one should have to endure. Yet, despite this, you’ve shown an incredible strength and grace. You’ve become a young lady I am so incredibly proud of, navigating the hardest of times with a quiet courage.

Remember, it’s okay to feel whatever you’re feeling. It’s okay to miss Cole in your own way, to cry, to laugh at the memories, or to just keep going as best you can. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve. I’m here for you, always, no matter what.

I love you more than words can express, and I’m so proud to be your Mother. Cole’s memory lives on in everything we do, and I know he’s so proud of you too.

Love Always, Mom

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