Post Op- Day 4

Cole slept alright last night, but woke up everytime a nurse or someone came in and touched him. He takes his vent off to get mine and Mark’s attention and this gets us up and at his bedside. This morning he was fitted for his brace. It was painful for him to be rolled over on his tummy, but overall he did great.

He hasn’t had valium or oxycontin all day and he’s doing fantastic with just tylenol right now. PT and OT came in this afternoon and got Cole up, rolling over, walking to a wheel chair, and sitting up. He did amazing, but was exhausted and took a great nap until a nurse came in to check his pulse… Of course!

We got the brace delivered and needed minor adjustments for his gtube opening. We have the brace now and and we are well on our way for discharge tomorrow. We will need to be cleared from pulmonary and orthopaedic tomorrow and that’s it. We will leave his original bandage on until 8/12 and then we will change it for the first time. Cole has had three bowel movements and that’s a big deal after a surgery like this, many kiddos are constipated. I swear by Nourish and it’s been an amazing formula for Cole.

Cole is back to his baseline and not requiring O2 currently, which is great news. I’ve attached an xray of his spine before surgery and post surgery. This is a quick xray they took in the OR so we will have a much more clear one in 6 weeks.

Overall, good day and he’s making great progress!

1 thought on “Post Op- Day 4”

  1. Lindsey Reynolds

    SO glad to hear Cole got some sleep and is having BMs! I’ve been thinking of Cole and you and Mark every day, and am so glad you’ve started this blog- Please tell Cole Miss Lindsey is thinking of him and so proud of him!! Thank you for the updates, Wendy- you’ve got this, and so do you, Cole!! We’re all rooting for you, Buddy!! ☺️

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